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Forfatters billedeKaren Ziefeldt


Indlæg lavet i samarbejde med JO:GA Cph

Hi alle søde venner 💛

Som de fleste af jer ved, ELSKER jeg yoga og dyrker det helst flere gange om ugen. Yoga er klart mit frirum no. 1, hvor jeg virkelig kan koble af og slukke for alle tanker, der fylder - og ja, bare mærke kroppen i stedet for at se den, som hvert fald er noget jeg selv har tendens til... Måske det er noget, du også kan genkende?

Jeg har gået til yoga i snart tre år nu, og det er uden tvivl noget af det BEDSTE, jeg har gjort for min krop - og sind ikke mindst. Jeg startede nemlig til yoga i en periode i mit liv, hvor jeg mildest talt lige havde brug for at reconnect to Earth again, hvilket min yoga-praksis (blandt andet) hjalp mig til (thank God haha!).

Well, mere om det i et senere indlæg - point here being at jeg gerne vil dele min yoga-erfaring og oplevelser med jer, da jeg UDEN TVIVL mener, at alle kunne have godt af en smule yoga - eller hvert fald yogi-mindset - en gang i mellem. 😊

Lige nu går jeg hos jo:ga cph (ja, det staves med J 😉), hvor jeg har fundet nogle af mine yndlings-yogatimer og instruktører, som jeg selvfølgelig er nødt til at dele med jer. 💛

Der er nemlig enormt meget forskel på instruktørerne iblandt og ikke mindst deres undervisning - hvilket jo er super cool og præcist som dét skal være - men jeg kan i hvert fald huske fra min tid som ny yogi (haha 😃), at jeg lidt savnede et overblik over, hvordan de forskellige timer forløber og ikke mindst, hvad der lægges vægt på fra instruktørernes side.

Derfor har jeg i samarbejde med jo:ga cph testet en HEL MASSE forskellige yoga-klasser og instruktører for ligesom at gøre det lettere for dig at vælge de timer, de passer godt til dig. Selvfølgelig er man altid nødt til at møde fysisk op for at teste om den givne time nu er noget for én - men det gør det altså lidt lettere at vælge blandt timerne, hvis du på forhånd har idé om, hvordan timen forløber. 😊

De næste mange uger kan du derfor her på bloggen læse om de forskellige timer og instruktører, som fortæller lidt om, hvad yoga er for dem og ikke mindst, hvad de lægger vægt på i deres timer - hvorefter du så forhåbentlig bedre kan danne dig et billede af, hvordan timerne er. Hope you will enjoy. 💛

En af mine yndlingstrænere hos jo:ga er Evelin Lázár. Hun er super dygtig, og jeg er vild med den måde, hun kører sine timer på. og du kan læse hendes svar på mine yogi-spørgsmål lige her:

1. What does yoga mean to you/how do you use it in your daily life?

As far as I can remember, I have always been in love with movements. I started with classical ballet at the age of 4, later I became a contemporary dancer in Budapest. I gathered a lot of knowledge about the human body through my own experiences and pushing my own limits. I always felt movements by themselves were empty and even as a professional dancer was hard to fill it up with real content. Through yoga I am not the one who does the postures anymore, but I can become the posture myself to fully reconnect my body, mind and soul.

2. Why did you become a yoga teacher?

When I stopped dancing I was seeking different ways to keep my body in shape so I tried random yoga studios. Once I visited my granny in my hometown and I ended up in a little hot yoga studio. The class I signed up for got cancelled and a young man came to substitute the class. He switched off all the heat and opened the windows before we started. He had such a fantastic body awareness and movement control, I rarely seen before. (Please note: I spent quite a few years surrounded by some great male dancers and choreographers but still his connection with his body was truly unique.) In Shavasana I had only one thought in my head: I wanna know what he knows about yoga. We had a talk after the class and a month later I was in a teacher training in India suggested by him. It’s been some years but he still inspires, helps and guides me through my yoga adventures.

3. Why JOGA with J?

I wanted to give as many classes as I can to cover my costs mostly with teaching but as a freelancer I had to spend so much time in traffic to give a single class. When I started at JOGA I had only one motivation time efficiency and I loved the idea as instructors are teaching 3-4 classes in a raw. I’ve got so much more out of this journey. I run into some ever so inspiring teachers and yoga practitioners and the whole JOGA community works together like a big family. I am so grateful for being a part of it.

4. What do you emphasize during your classes? Posture, breathing, strength etc?

A healthy body should be like a bamboo stick. Bendy but strong. Many people think about yoga as a method of stretching. I want to find the balance to keep the muscles strong but flexible to reach the widest range of motion.

5. Which yoga form do you prefer?

I am an Ashtanga teacher and I love to work with this old traditional sequence. When I started at JOGA I felt a little challenged and scared of sequencing my own flows (for other practitioners) with different poses in focus. Took me a few days to fully enjoy it but now I can comfortably arrive to any of my classes.

6. Which type of music do you play during your classes?

At the beginning I used a lots of my favorite tracks in my playlist (such as Bonobo, Emancipator, Tycho) but as I have around 20 classes/week I started hating all of them. I guess often playlist changes are needed to protect the instructors mental health.

7. Do you practice yoga yourself? Which form?

I love the more traditional ways of yoga practices when it comes to self practice with chanting and with more breath awareness. I really need my Ashtanga sequence 2 or 3 times a week. When I am short in time or in need of a super energy boost I always go for Sadhguru’s Upa yoga sequence. (You can find it in youtube) Simple, short and satisfying, perfect for a lovely start of the day.

8. Do you recommend yoga to anyone specifically?

Yoga has so many aspects if you dig a little deeper in it. If you are weak you can gain power, if you are stiff you can gain flexibility, if you are stressed out you can relax, if you are lazy it can shake you up, if you are sick you can heal, if you are detached you can reconnect. Not only through mastering some body postures, but there are plenty of meditations, mantras, mudras, and breathing exercises to find what you seek in your life. I am totally concerned, yoga is for everybody.

Jeg kan varmt anbefale at I prøvet Evelins timer! Hun er fantastisk. 😊 Nyd dagen, smukke, og skriv altid hvis du har nogen spørgsmål. ☀

♥️, K


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